
Maritime Training

FTA, a sister concern of Jet Bridge, is a premier Maritime training academy located in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Established with a vision to bridge the gap between industry demand and the availability of trained personnel, FTA is the first full-fledged maritime academy of its kind in Bahrain.

The academy is committed to providing comprehensive training and education to both aspiring maritime youth and professionals wanting to upskill themselves, catering to the growing importance of the Maritime industry in the region.

Through its state-of-the-art facilities, and collaboration with Maritime Authorities and experts, FTA offers world-class Maritime programmes, preparing its graduates to excel in their careers. With a focus on practical skills development, character building, and professional ethics, FTA is fast gaining a reputation as the leading maritime academy in Bahrain.

Basic Modular Courses

maritime training
maritime training

Pre-sea courses

Advanced Modular Courses

maritime training
maritime training

Revalidation & Upgradation Courses

Value Added Courses

maritime training
maritime training

Simulator Courses

Learn more about FTA’s unique features.

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